Design Something

A design group created by me and a few friends to help designers hone their skills through online events
December 2023

Team members:
3 talented people

Event Planning, Branding, Recruiting Guest Speakers, Marketing, Event Hosting
A photo of a group of designers posing on DiscordA photo of a group of designers posing on Discord

Who are we?

We are a design groupfounded with the aim of hosting online events for designers, especially those early in their careers.

⭐ We are based in Toronto (and the UK)

⭐ We come from diverse backgrounds like project management, software engineering, graphic design and illustration.

⭐ So far, we have had designers from Tokyo, New York, Washington DC, London, Vancouver and Toronto join us for our Snack Sprints ™ !

1 woman and 2 men giving peace signs

Snack Sprint

Our signature event is an online 6-hour Design Sprint, aka Snack Sprint. Participants are sorted into teams to complete a design challenge. After the time limit, teams present their solution, and the special guest judges provide feedback. After one week, the winners will be announced, and all participants will receive "report cards" to use as guidelines if they want to make their solutions more robust.

Why so short?

I wanted to create a hack-a-thon event and contacted my network, but many people couldn’t commit to 24 hours. Alongside my friends, we decided to take the initiative and do something about it by creating events for participants to level up their skills yet still have time to enjoy the weekend. It’s a win-win situation! 🎉

An image of Snack Sprint PosterAn image of Snack Sprint Poster

What people say about us

We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback and overall everyone enjoyed the experience. Although we have a lot of learning and improvements to make, we hope to expand more in the future, so stay tuned for more.

"It was a very fun space to elaborate on UX design skills while trying to beat the clock and create a solution in just a few hours. I can’t wait to join another sprint!"

A girl smiling at the camera


UX/UI Designer

"Working with people I never met before gave me a chance to learn about different working styles!"

A man wearing a bucket hat


UX/Data Analyst

"Overall it was an amazing experience. I liked the check-in at the beginning! That was key!"

A man smiling at the camera


Product Designer

More Projects

An image of a computer surrounded by buttons


An image of a computer surrounded by buttons
